Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Fish died after moving to a new tank.

Fish died after moving to a new tank.

23 13:56:36

Some of my new fish died after I moved them from the packaging to a new
tank. What I did was I mixed some of the new water from the new tank and
the water from the package together and waited for 1 minute before pouring
the fish into the new tank. After 3-4 hours later, the fish shown some signs
of dying. We were pretty sure they were free from disease as our water is
clean. Has this something to do with our method of transferring fish? Or
other reasons?

Hi Melphis,
  It is unlikely that it had much to do with how you added the fish
unless the water in your new tank was very unsuitable for fish.

  Was the temperature in the tank reasonable, e.g., about 80oF?

  What kind of fish were you adding, and how large is the tank?

  Was there chlorine in the water in the new tank?

-- Ron
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