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My goldfish was injured

23 14:20:54

My two little goldfish have grown quite big - and yesterday one of them jumped out of the tank! I picked him up and put him back in ----but today I noticed a bright red injury on his side ----he seems to be swimming around ok and eating but it looks so "sore" - Do you think it will heal by itself?

Bertie,                                                      He probably rubbed his slime coat off on that spot on the floor and has a sore . I would add a broad spectrum antibiotic, but something mild like Melafix. This is all natural made from the oil of tea trees in Australia. He is stressed out enough so we don't want to add anything harsh. 1 Tsp. per 10 gallons. Don't forget to remove your carbon. Medicate 7 days. Also you can stress coat him it will cover him in aloe and soothe him. Do you know you can give them a frozen pea once a week to stop bacterial infections. Take the husks out after a couple of hours if they don't eat them. Also go to your local petshop and get a veggie clip and give them half a slice of orange once a week. High in vitamin C and they will love you for it. Good Luck,Tina