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Loss of color in betta?

23 13:55:34

Hi. I have 3 female betta fish in a tank.

I've had them for about a year now. They are looking very healthy.

but I've noticed that their colors are beginning to get a little dull. When I first bought them they were brightly colored. Now the blue one is turning sort of brown, the white one is turning.. peach? And the purple one has turned to a dusty blue color.

Is this normal? Is it their food?

I try to alternate food. They are very picky eaters and only eat some foods. currently they like to eat betta bites by hbh.

Hello kayla,
What size is the tank? Generally betta fish lose their color when they are sick or otherwise unhealthy. How often do you change out the water in the tank? Do you notice them fighting at any time? Do you test the water on a weekly basis, and if so, how is your ammonia and nitrite/nitrate levels? My best guess without the above information is that you simply need to start changing out the water more often, or buy a larger tank. These two things are your best defense against fish loss. Bigger = better. More water changes = healthier fish.
If you have not already been testing your water, you can take some of the tank water in a container to a local pet store and ask them to test it for you for free. They can also usually help you out with solving any problems regarding your water quality - but always double check their advice. Most pet store employees mean well, but they don't always necessarily know what they're talking about! Find one employee who seems honest and has been known to give good info, and keep them in mind as your fish guru.
Hope this has helped! Best of luck.