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Pleco and malawi chiclids

23 13:55:20


1. I have a leopard pleco who has problems with pigmentation. That is some times the colors are very pale almost white and the pattern of the skin almost disappears. So can you tell me what the problem could be?

2.I think that my blue ahli is suffering from the black spot disease. So please can you tell me how can I cure this disease?


Hi Ismael
Leopard plecos live in water where the ph is around 7.0.  Seeing as you have an African Tank, I presume that your PH is much higher.  Maybe the pleco is stressed, it happens sometimes.  You must provide a good hiding place for him, along with a piece of driftwood that you buy at the pet stores.  If your PH is around 8.0-8.5 this is too much for the pleco.  Also, are you providing him with enough food?  You must feed your Pleco like you would any other fish.  The pet store sells pellets especially for them, and you should feed him depending on his size.  Too many people think that the pleco will find food to eat, this is not true, and many starve to death.  This is why I am telling you this, so hopefully you are feeding him.
Black Spot disease is easily cured, if found in time.  There are products at the pet store especially for this, coppersafe is one of them.
Always keep your water free of ammonia.  Ammonia is the number one killer of fish, so keep your water clean.  Do water changes 25% every week, and change your carbon...this is so important.
Hope I have helped you