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Bettta and Guppy situation

23 11:29:49

dont worrry i dont have my guppys and betta in the same tank. im just having problems with both.
my betta has this white cloudy slow growth on one side of his face, it not very visible, only if you look very close you notice it. but it hasnt changed his appetite, hes still active. im just owondering if this should be a major concern?

im not sure if you know of guppy behaviours. but any advice would help. but i thought they were peace full and social. but my boys seem to be nipping at each other, at their gills mostly. One fish seems to be the stand out bully -picking on the fatter guppy all the time. im afraid one might die soon from all the bully stress :(

I would treat the betta with "Tetracycline"  He is showing sign of fungus.  His water should be kept very clean.  I do not know the size of your tank, but if he is in a 5 gallon tank which is not cycled, change all of his water once a week, always using a good water conditioner.  If his tank is smaller, do water changes 2 times a week completely.  Follow the directions on the package, and be careful not to overdose.  Fungus may eat away at a fish very quickly, so do not wait to cure him.
Guppies should be kept with one male to 3 females.  When keeping only males, they will nip each other.  If only one female is kept in the tank with too many males, they will harasse her, and eventually she will die.  The only way to keep a nice quiet tank is one male to three females.
I hope this helps.