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convict and blood parrot

23 11:29:50

Hi, i was wondering if it was possible for a blood parrot and convict to breed.  

The convict as been known to breed with other fish.  The parrot should be female.  The parrot fish however is a very timid fish, and should not be put in with aggressive fish like the convict.  The parrot fish has no defense, is a man made fish, and I really do not encourage inter breeding.  Most fry will be cripple, will have no colour, and it is senseless to breed them.  We have so many beautiful fish in our lakes, and rivers, why try to breed fry that will not be accepted on the market.  The parrot fish is coloured before putting on the market, as well as the "Jellybeans"  This process of colouring is very cruel, and many pet stores have boycotted them because of this reason.  You may look up this process of coulouring fish on the net.  You will see just how inhuman this is.
I hope this helps.