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Help!? my Mr. Betta is suffering

23 14:59:31

Dear Chris:

Please help my Mr. Betta, He has been suffering for more than a week.

  I have had him for about 2 years, in a large vase of about 1G of water.  I change his water every 1 to 2 weeks with spring water and conditioner. and feed him about 3 to 6 petals a day with one day break of peas. He is my little buddy.  I have 2 others, all of them are trained. This one trained them really. He is supper smart, and can recognize him self in the mirror. Loves to play and egger to learn more. When he is mad at me, he won't look me in the eyes, and turns his head when he is happy to see me he dances, and jumps all over the place. I love him.

    How ever, about 2 weeks ago, all of that little by little stopped. He sits on the bottom, sometimes on his side, breathing really hard. As he breaths fast and hard, his whole body shifts back and forward. It seems as if he doesn't have control of his little body any more. He keeps curling up, as he tries to get up. He pushes on the surface with his face but then his tail curls up on him. So his face is down and his tail is curled on top of him.  It takes a long time for him to get out of this position. And when he does he goes in circles. Pushing his way with his face.!!!!
 yesterday he couldn't even get to the surface.  Today he is better, and has not curdled up alot, he tries to jart to the top fast and all over. it's wierred!!?. He still wants to play.
   I keep thinking that he is going to die. But he is very strong every thing else is normal. His color fades some times, but his skin, gills and fins all are normal. He is not bloted .He is very well alert, and looks me in the eyes. He responds to my hand motions and tries desperately to get up, and play with the others at feeding time. I have been dropping little chunks of peas. He loves them and looks like he wants more. But when he eats he breaths harder. I have also been dropping Beta fix remedy for him, and kept his water clean (changed his water 3times this week) and warm
  As he lays and breaths fast with his body jerking back and forth, He keeps looking at me with his big eyes, and it is breaking my heart. I don't know what to do to help ease the suffering.
I had other betta that died. this one dosen't act like it. infact, he is more active today then the last week. What is wrong?  What should I do.

Please help.

Thank you
A Desperate betta lover.

Hi nooshin;

Poor fella. It sounds like he has swim bladder failure. It is frustrating for them and it takes more effort to swim, but he will get used to it. Sometimes feeding peas helps because it can be caused by constipation, but not always. Here is a good article about it;

I hope he feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins