Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > sick black molly

sick black molly

23 14:45:40

My black molly is behaving strangely.  She has over the past few days begun to hover at the top of the tank which is strange for her because she is very aggressive. S
he has never behaved this way before. I also noticed that the top of her head is flaking  Please help.

Hi Cynthia;

Make a 25% water change in her tank and add aquarium salt to help stress and to delay progression of the disease until we can figure out for sure what she has.

There are some bacterial infections that cause overall general illness. Columnaris is common in mollies and other livebearers. Here are links to info about it;

If it doesn't sound like what she has, let me know and we can work from there.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins