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New Tom Deco Kit 3 gallon

23 11:14:29

Hi I am moving into a dorm room next week and purchased a Tom Deco Kit 3 gallon. I plan to put my betta who I bought the tank for into it as soon as I move in. I know the lighting in this tank is very strong because it is made for salt water set ups and I believe the filter may also be strong. I am guessing I would have to leave off the light for the betta because of its strength. Can I change out the bulb in this kit to make it safe for my betta? And is this filter to strong for him? Here is a link to the tanks information
Thank you, Carly


 Well, the Betta does not need a filter. They are too strong, unless you get a sponge filter. As far as the lighting goes, its good to give them at least 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark to sleep. You can try that light but looking at the tank, there might be places for him to get out of the light if its too strong. If you find him hiding a lot, then yes I would get a softer one for him. I want to say thank you for getting him a tank and not a bowl. Most people don't. Hope this helps.