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Tiger Oscar and his 55 gallons

23 11:52:35

We have a wonderful Tiger Oscar and he lives in a 55 gallon tank. He is very friendly (except towards those tasty smaller fish). I've done a lot of research trying to determine what tankmate(s) would be suitable (if any) in this setup. I was considering having just my oscar and 1 spiny eel in this 55 gallon tank. The spiny eel in question being either a fire eel or peacock eel. I want to make sure both have adequate room to grow and swim. Also, we clean the tank regularly (every 2 weeks) and use live plants. We feed our oscar brine shrimp, flakes, and ocassionally a treat of a small fish. Any suggestions as to what might work here? Or would Oscar do best swimming alone in this size tank?

Hi Sarah

First, Oscar tanks should be cleaned twice a week, not every 2 weeks. Tankmates for Oscars are Silver Dollars, Jack Dempsey, Green Terror, Tinfoil Barbs and large Plecos. Make sure any tankmates you put in with him are of equal size.

Hope this helps, good luck!
