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injured oranda

23 14:48:12

Dear Amber,

Hello, I have a question about my injured oranda. I spent the night at my boyfriend's house last night,and when I got home this morning I found my oranda (brain) stuck inside one of the tank decorations. I also have an algae eater, and my algae eater was nipping/sucking on Brain's tail. I immediately got Brain loose, but his top fin and tail looks pretty shredded and damaged. I put Brain in his own tank for now, and I gave him a dose of Maracyn-Two. Right now he looks like he is trying to swim up, but he just cannot get himself up. Should I continue to give him the medication, or try something new? Also, do you think he will be able to heal?

Thank you so much for your help,



Hello Deanna-

Brain would do best if you stopped the Maracyn (as he's not really sick) and started him on a dose of both Melafix (to regrow any damaged tissues) and aquarium salt (to prevent infection and speed recovery.) Be sure he's in fresh, clean water (about 50% from the tank and 50% new.) Dose the Melafix daily and the salt at every water change.

Hopefully, he should feel better soon!
-Amber Worman