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Axelotl with tumour(?)

23 14:13:06

I took in a friends axelotl (or mexican walking fish) about 5 years ago after they decided they couldn't care for it adequately and even by that stage he was a fair age. I'm not sure of an axelotl's life span but I gathered he was pretty old. It was about 4  years ago that he developed a lump about the size of a large wart. It grew pretty steadily until about 2 years ago it when it grew rapidly to about 2.5cm in diameter. I was told it was probably a tumor and that there wasn't really much i could do about it, especially as he was so old. So i left it alone and hoped that he wasn't in pain. Now I've noticed that what used to look like a large bubble has deflated (not in width)and looks as though the flesh on it has become ripped and cut but is not bleeding. I also noticed that his water became cloudy and thought that it may due to his lump 'deflating'. He seems to be swimming around as normal. Is there any advice you can give me and do you think he would be in pain? If so, what should I do?

Nicola,                                                      These little buggers can live 10 to 15 yrs. sometimes while eating they can eat some of their substrate...... that may be what the bump is....I know this sounds strange , but try to give him some mineral oil it works like a laxative and might help him pass it... use an eye dropper .... it is all natural.... if it has been too long it might be lodged there... I hope not. and as far as his wounds you can medicate his water with tetracycline... it is broad spectrum antibiotic..... that should help that.As far as pain I guess it prob hurts. It would hurt us. There is nothing you can do but that and wait.... they acclimate to things better than we do.... good luck, tina