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Ick & mag-float labs ICK-EASE

23 11:17:45

I recently added a new fish to my tank,a convict chiclid,and now they are starting to scratch them selves on rocks and what ever they can. They are full of tiny white dots.I am almost 100% sure it is Ick. Yesturday I did a 50% water change then added this Ick-ease from mag-float labs, My question is when should I start to see a change? It doesn't seem to be any better but it's only been a day. The bottle says I should see a difference right away! It also says only to do it on alternate days but on different blog sites I've come across people are saying no I have to do it everyday? it also says to do a water change before and after every treatment? please let me know how to safely treat them with the quickest results. I want to get better as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance Christina

Hi Christina,
 You need to add the stuff everyday and it will take about a week for you to really see a difference.

 You should do a water change before the treatment, but not after (doing that will just take the
ick medicine out of the water, which is not what you want to do).  

-- Ron C.
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