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Beta fin body rot

23 11:01:04

My beta is in a1 gallon glass fish bowl.  He is 1 year old.  For 2 months he developed a white bubble on his tail.  It's not fuzzy and didn't seem to effect his health.  For the last 2 weeks he lost his top fin.  I put beta fix in his bowl but hasn't seemed to work.  Now it's gone deeper into his body where he is bleeding.  I bought today aquarium salt and jungle fungus clear.  I put 1/4 tsp aquarium salt in a bowl and a piece of the jungle fungus clear then poured it in his bowl when it dissolved.  Please what do u recommend to help him.  I'd appreciate any advice. Also, I do not have a filter or heater in his bowl.

Rose, This is bad case of fin rot that has turned into a bacterial infection. You can tell by the slight ulcer on his back. First clean your tank. Go to your local pet shop and get Melafix. This is a mild broad spectrum antibiotic. All natural. I would also get some Stress Coat to soothe him and thicken his slime coat. Treat as it says on the bottle. Put the slime coat right over him if you can.It is Aloe based. If you have to clean the tank before about 10 days of the medicating just add again. If he gets any worse get back to me. Good Luck, Tina