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odd bevavior,

23 11:01:04

I own 3 bettas, two males one female in 1 gallon bowls individually. They are fed daily, changed weekly. But one of the males is "freezing" in place then then going spaztic. Almost like a seizure. If he isn't doing that he is totally lathargic and has no intersted in food. Could it be contagious to my other bettas. Should I be worried. Thnx for your time.

Michelle, When you buy fish there is no guarantee they will not have parasites. With something like fluke's what happens is they collect around the gills. Sometimes you can see them sometimes you can't but you may be able to with a magnifying glass.This collection of worms causes asphyxiation even though they have a labyrinth organ they still need to pick up the oxygen in their gills. You need to go and get the Jungle parasite tabs. They are mild and safer for small tanks. You will have to boil everything in the tank or replace it. Bleach your bowl and let it sit for a day so the ammonia has evaporated. If you haven't mixed water and bought them in separate containers at different time's you are probably ok. If you want to treat your other male and female it will not hurt them. Good Luck, Tina