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I think my fish caught a disease

23 11:50:48

Dear Lynda, I think that my fishes have caught some sort of disease. My parents doesn't like to spend much money [college!:(]. Plus, they ran out of fish bowls every where I went. So we just went and got a large food container. I think its like 5 or 10 gallons. I have no experience in fish at all. None! I don't even know how much is 10 gallon per fish or 50% water change. I keep seeing it every where, but I just don't know what it means. Any ways, I think that my fish have caught some sort of disease. I heard somewhere that they might have caught the swim bladder disease. I usually change their water using sink water. Is that ok? I'd tried an expert before, but it said that she couldn't receive any more mails. So now, I'm writing this to you. Oh! Another thing, I have five of them in one tank. Is that a bad thing? I understand that they need lots of room(+water change), but you know my parents doesn't like to spend much money(college). For some odd reasons, they seem to always lie at the bottom of the tank. They won't eat peas like the Internet said either. Sometimes, they would even go to the top to breath. I even try changing their water once a day. But it just seems to get worst. Now, they're floating on their sides half dead. They look so much like they're dead. But they're still alive. Even worst, they wont eat their food, or the peas. It gets even worst! Now, one of them seems to have a big black spot on the side. The other one has a red spot on the side. It looks as though it lost some scale/skin right there. I'm so worried. I'm gonna try separating them now. Is that ok? I need some advice right away! What can I do? I really don't want them to die. Anything will do. Well, as long as it doesn't cost much. You know how my parents doesn't spend much. So please, please help me. Thank you for all your help. Oh! And PS, I also brought them from Wyoming and took them on a 4 hour ride back to Colorado. Is that bad? Thanks again any ways.

I'm sorry to tell you that you cannot keep fish even though you seem to really like them.    Your fish will die, and this is not right.  Fish have feelings, and should be kept in conditions that are right for them.  Depending on the fish you have, not all fish need the same water conditions, and it is cruel to keep them in water that is not good for them.  Some fish need alkaline water, and big aquariums, some need acidic water, and big aquariums.  Some fish are loners, and cannot be kept with other fish.  You always need good water conditioner such as Stress Coat, and AquaPlus when changing water, and your water should always be free of ammonia, and nitrates.  I know that you probably love fish, but fish is a hobby that does cost money to keep your fish healthy, and happy.  When you do not have the money to keep up with this hobby, it is best to wait until you do.  Fish are little animals that need special care, and when they get sick, we must cure them, and this cost money, and lots of care, and love goes into this hobby.  When we cannot do this, it is better to wait until we are able to do this.
I'm sorry to tell you this, as I do not want to hurt your feelings, but fish need care, and love, so my advice to you is to wait until you finish your studies, and have a good job to continue your hobby.  Fish need more than water to be happy.