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Weather Loach escaping!

23 14:37:50

Hi there, i have contacted several websites and petshops in the area, and they assure me they are suitable for coldwater tanks (as thats how they are kept in the pet shops) and the fact that i had one for over 6 months at around 14 degrees C was proof enough, can a weather loach be in a tropical tank that is up to 26 degrees c then?

Also for your information, please find the following links saying they can be kept in coldwater tanks.

i was wrong the link says 4 degrees up for a weather loach (4 degrees c - 25 degress c)

this website lists 10 degrees to 20 degrees

this PDF document, also lists them as surviving in coldwater environments, from 4 degrees up.,%20Dojo.htm

This website also lists them as coldwater but says can tolerate our tropical temperatures.

It would seem they are adaptable to a vareity of temperatures and not just a tropical fish.


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further to my reply here is a link you may find useful

clearly states 2 degrees upwards

thanks again Kenny
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Hi there, i recently bought a bigger tank for my goldfish, holding around 80 litres, i had to buy a new lid for this tank, which has 2 spaces in the back corners for the wires, what is happening now though, is my original weather loach who i had for 6 months, escaped once i i found him alive in the morning and put him back, he escaped again and found him dead, so i bought another weather loach, and after only having him for 3 days! he escaped and i found him dead too.

If there anyway i can secure these back 2 corners to allow the wires to go down but not the loaches out?

Any help would be appreciated, i love my fish and hate to lose them.

Firstly, goldfish are coldwater fish and loaches are tropical fish, so they cannot live happily together. If you want loaches, you need to buy a separate 140 litre + tank with a temperature of around 27 degrees Celsius.
If you wish to set up another tank, buy a plastic sheet which lies on the stress bar of the tank just under the brim. There will be a tiny gap where the wires go out from the tank but it should certainly make the fish less likely to escape.

Until you have a new bigger tank for the loaches, and of course other tropical community fish, tropical fish are not suitable for the goldfish tank.

Good luck,
The link is incorrect. You cannot keep fish in water of 2 degrees. That is almost freezing.
AS I stated in my previous answer, Weather, or Dojo Loaches, are not suitable for a coldwater tank.
The only fish suitable for an 80 litre coldwater tank, other than goldfish, are White Cloud Mountain Minnows.
Good luck,

Hi again,
They are tropical fish, and it is true they prefer slightly lower temperatures of around 22 degrees Celcius, but anything below that is not suitable for them. They can live in lower temperatures, but will never be comfortable in a completely coldwater environment.
You say "This website also lists them as coldwater but says can tolerate our tropical temperatures.". I would say basically the complete opposite, they are tropical fish but do prefer slightly cooler temperatures. It would also not make sense that a Clown Loach or a Pakistani Loach are tropical, but another very similar fish of the same species is coldwater.
I would take any advice a pet shop gives you with a pinch of salt, 9 out of 10 time they are not fully reliable for accurate information.

Very few fish can be kept in a tank with goldfish anyway; White Cloud Mountain Minnows are one of the only fish that can. Also, goldfish need 10 UK Gallons, or 45 litres, of water each, so you should only really have 2 in your tank.
I recommend buying 8 or so Minnows, but leaving the loaches out for that tank.
Good luck,