Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > is my Black Molly Ballon pregnant?...

is my Black Molly Ballon pregnant?...

23 13:59:11

Hello.i buy 2 molly ballon 6 days ago..(black molly female and silver molly male)and i think that my molly was pregnant from the pet store.and when i put my molly's in my tank..after 1 day..molly male "do her":)
 I take some pictures with my molly ballon female..can you tell me is she is pregant?

Hi Dragos;

I really can't tell by the pictures but if there were males in the tank with her where you bought her, she is most likely pregnant by now. Balloon mollies have such a rounded body shape it can be very difficult to tell how far along they are though. Unless she is almost ready to have the babies you probably won't know. You just have to wait for the signs of readiness. Her belly will take on a "boxy" shape when she is close to delivery, meaning the sides and bottom will get sort of flat. She will also hide more and may not eat much for two or three days and then deliver babies in the early morning. Now that she is with a male you can pretty much count on seeing babies in 6 to 8 weeks regardless of whether she was with other males before. Just provide lots of live bushy plants for her and the babies to hide in.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins