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Help required

23 11:12:07

Hello i need some advise. i have had Oscars for years but this is the first time i have had this problem and i don't know what the cause or treatments is. one of my fish has developed an over inflated abdomen it looks like an enlarged goldfish or some one has inflated him with a balloon. he is about 25cm long but very tame so i am able to pick him up and turn him over to see what the problem is and his stomach is hugely blotted and it looks like fungus (green/blue) under his belly but inside under the skin. looks like he is constipated. he is still swimming and very slow. PLEASE HELP if you can. Thanks


 Sounds like swim bladder disease. Fast him for 2 days. On the third day get a few frozen peas and drop them in hot water. This will defrost the peas and blanch them. When they have cooled down, remove the outer shell and throw it away. DO NOT feed this shell to your fish because he cannot digest it. Cut the peas in bite size pieces and feed them to the Oscar then fast him again for 2 days. If this doesn't do the trick repeat the process. It is a good idea to feed him a couple of peas every week to help prevent this. Swim bladder is caused by over feeding and bad water quality. Make sure you are testing the water every week and doing weekly water changes of 25%. If after you do this he doesn't get better, or he gets worse let me know but I think this will fix him right up. Good luck.