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Betta help!

23 14:26:57

Hi, I have a Betta fish.  I think a bit have salt might have gotten into its water.  The next day I awoke to see to my surprise, a big bubble around one of its eyes.  Since then I've changed its water, and the swelling is going down. His lips and neck seem to be swollen too, and while the frequent change in water seems to help, I want the fish's physique to go back to normal.  I change the fish's water about once a week, and its in a small goldfish bowl.  The fish doesn't seem as excited as it was when I first got it, and I'm wondering what to do.  Would it be best to go to a pet store?



If the water changes seem to be helping, keep doing so. Betta fish tend to calm down once they feel comfortable in their new homes and often tend to stay still near the bottom or top of the tank. To help with the cure, buy some AQUARIUM salt and put a few pinches in every time you change the water. This helps reduce stress and help quicken the recovery process.

Hope this helps,