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fish color

23 15:06:02

Dear Chris,I have a panda colored telescope eye fantail gold fish, medium size.  His body was gold, black and white and his fins were velvet black. He was very beautiful.  He is losing all of his black color.  He is healthy.  He is by a window, but no direct sun. (I really don't know if he is a he or she) My silly husband says that the fish is changing color to match the environment.  Is that true?  How can I encourage the color to come back? Food or change interior?  I really don't mind, as I adore the fish, but he was so strikingly beautiful when I got him. Thanks, Vicki  

Hi Vicki;

Goldfish change color as they mature. There isn't anything you can do but enjoy his new outfit! ;-)

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Chris Robbins

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