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Green terror suicide

23 14:02:34

Hello, you give some great answers. I have had 55g tank since Thanksgiving. I Have 6 Dempsies, 1 managuense(Mick Jagger),a pike cichlid, and a pleco. They are growing bigger so I'm preparing another 60 gal tank. I have goldfish and guppies in the other tank. I put my green terror in the new tank because he didn't seem to eat for a month but looked healthy. Two days later he committed suicide by jumping out. and my wifes dog ate him. The levels in the new tank were not high yet. Why would he kill himself?

Hi Mark,
 Sadly fish will jump if given the opportunity.  The remarkable thing is how small a hole they can fit through.  I lost an 8 inch black belt just the other day when he found a little hole and "went over the wall".  Your best protection is a well-fitting lid or cover.   

-- Ron
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