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gourami dropsy?

23 11:42:07


i have been talking alot to lynda, but she is now maxed out and im hoping you can offer further isight. I have a new 30 gallon tropical tank. i let it cycle a few days and then added a dwarf gourami and some plants. the gourami has not eaten since i got him (a couple days) and when hes dose poop, it is long, white, stringy, and attached to him. his scales have started to pinecone, but it is not severe, and he is not bloated. i have tried to feed him regular flake food, frozen brine shrimp, and peas. he is not interested. he is still kinda active, but not overly active. somethimes he swims, somethimes he just hovers. i had my chemistry checked both at petsmart and petco, and they both said everything is good. I am currently trying epsome salt baths. i looked for medications at petco, but they did not have much. i am also worried about adding a anti bacterial to my tank early in its matuarity, because i dont want to kill of my small amount of beneficial bacteria. do you know whats wrong with my fish? hes not eating, not bloated, and pineconeing. will an antibactirial destroy my benificial bacteria? (also, i got wisteria clippings and i was wondering how long untill they rooted)


Not sure about he plants, but I am sure that petco and petsmart are both cheap (not in a good way), don't know what there doing and are  unreliable. With fish anyway.

I recommend you buy a test kit from petco. Keep up the water changes.

I think meds are a last resort. Some anti bacterial meds will destroy the bacteria in the filter.