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Bettas and Loaches

23 11:44:53

Hi Lynda

I am going to have a betta for my 5 gallon tank. Can I have a couple of loaches in there aswell to help clean the bottom of the tank or will they not like each other and fight? I also heard that bettas need a good supply of air compared to other fish. Would an air pump help at all?


Hi Adam,
A betta does best in still water as he takes his air from the surface.  You do not need an air pump.  He would be better off alone.  You will have to change all the water in his tank once a week if you have no filter, and if you plan on having a filter, make sure your ammonia, and nitrite levels are zero.  Once they are zero, you will have to change 25% of your water once a week.  Always use a good water conditioner such as Stress Coat when changing water. Ammonia is the number one killer of fish.  
He should have a heated tank.  He is a tropical fish, and is cold under 78 to 80 degree water.  Bettas living in cool water get sick, and are miserable.  Check the temperature of the water your betta comes in, then fill your tank with the same water temperature.  Heat your water very very degree every two days, as bringing up the temperature too fast would be deadly.  Add one teaspoon of diluted aquarium salt to the tank.  The salt helps with stress, and parasites.
Vary his diet.  This is very important so that he gets all the vitamins he needs.  Betta pellets one day, Betta Flakes the next, mealworms the next, plankton the next, glassworms, and bloodworms.  The more you vary, the healthier he will be.  Feed him twice a day in small amounts.  Example:  2 pellets for one meal.
Bettas are prone to constipation.  To avoid this from happening, feed him a cooked frozen pea with the outer layer removed.  Cut the pea into small pieces, and feed the pieces to your betta one at a time, making sure that none fall to the bottom of the tank.
I hope this helps, and if you have any other questions on the Betta, do not hesitate to write me.  I love bettas.