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Betta Fish ( Dragon Scale)

23 11:51:26


My Betta
hi Lynda,
I have a question about my betta. He seems to have a bump on his head, and
it looks like he is having a little trouble swimming. He also keeps leaning
towards the right. I'm not sure what is going on with him. But he does swim
up to get some air every now and then, and then swims back down to the
bottom and just lays there.  

Hello Mercedes,
Your Betta has two things wrong.  Her tummy is swollen which means she has Swim Bladder Disease.  This is curable if caught in time.  Try to feed her a cooked frozen pea.  Remove the first layer, and cut it into tiny pieces.  Try feeding this to her one piece at a time.  Don't feed her anything else for one day.  She must waste.  Is she does not waste, or won't eat the pea then you should medicate.
"Kanamycin" is very good for Swim Bladder, but is sometimes hard to find.  If you cannot find it, buy "Tetracycline" or "Furan 2"  Follow the directions on the packet, never overdose.  
The bump could be many things.  It could be a tumor, or even a boil, and it could be parasites.  I would think a tumor.  Never try to squeeze it, only a vet can do this.  If it is a benign tumor the medication I have listed above should help bring it down.  If not, let her be, Bettas can live long, and happy lives with a tumor.  If it is cancerous, she will live for 6-8 months.  She is not suffering, and the only thing you can do is treat her with kindness.  It is rare that a betta will get parasites of this nature, unless she has caught it from another fish, or tainted food.  You could also try feeding her medicated food for parasites, it may help.  If she does not have one, put a silk plant in her tank, so that she can rest on the leaves.
Hope this will help.