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Swim below the surface

23 14:50:35

Lately it seems my Betta is having trouble swimming below the surface of the water. It seems like it is putting out a lot of effort to swim and stay below the surface. I don't have a thermometer in the bowl but it doesn't seem cold,more like room temp.

Hello Connie-

How old is he? Some bettas' swim bladders start to fail as they get older. You can add some aquarium salt to his tank, and withhold food for a day or two and see if there is any improvement. Most bettas' ability to swim gets messed up if their stomachs are too full.

Also, it's normal for bettas to stay at the surface most of the time - they're always hunting for food in the wild, and it's easier to catch if they're right near the top.

Hope this is helpful!
-Amber Worman