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My Beta is in serious trouble!!!!

23 15:00:27


I recently changed my Beta, Doodlebeans, water and I think I put him into a shock is there any hope for him to make it out.  He was fine swimming eating, etc of course until I changed the water.  The water might have been too cold.  Now he is alive, but can't seem to swim down.  He just kind of floats.  Help me please he is like family to us.

Hi Heather;

The best you can do is let his water gradually rise in temperature again. It really is a waiting game and will require patience on your part as he recovers. Put a lamp on him if the temperature in the room is less than 75. The warmer the better while bettas are recovering, but it must be obtained very slowly. Since he is floating, it is possible that his swim bladder was injured from the temperature shock so here is an article about swim bladder problems;

I hope he feels better soon......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins