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Platty pregnant??

23 11:09:56

Hi thanks for answeri m barb question recently she is better and is swimming around with my guppy after awhile anyways i got my new and final fish for my five gallon tank and its a red tailed varitatus platy and i think it may be pregnant!! When we got it i couldnt tell if it was a male and i cant quite tell but i think its a female because i havnt seen a Gonopodium on it or anything but their is a bit of like black near its anal and it was merely fatter than the other fish in the tank it was in when i got it and it eats alot. So i was wondering if you think its a girl and if its pregnant?

Well, hello again Alicia,

If your Platty has no gonopodium (I am glad to see someone else in the world besides me knows that word, lol), then it's not a boy and there is indeed a good chance it's pregnant.

Ways to tell?  Was it housed with other males?  If so, it's pregnant.  They breed like rabbits.

Look at her stomach, by her vent, and see if there is a black pea. Sometimes you can't see it through the skin, but sometimes you can.  If so, that is her womb.  Watch the size of it.  If it grows, she's pregnant.

You will know for sure in about a month.  If no babies arrive, then she's not pregnant yet. :)
