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New World Cichlid tankmates

23 11:46:42

QUESTION: I'm new to New World Cichlids. Will Angel cichlids be too aggressive tank mates for Ram cichlids in a 130 litre (3 feet) tank? I plan to introduced them to each other at a sub-adult stage, say 4-5 of each. Other tankmates can include Silver Dollars and or Barbs to lessen potential conflict.

ANSWER: Hi Brink,
In a 35 gallon tank, ( 130 Liters) you cannot put more than 3 angels  and 4 rams.  Angels, and Rams get along, there is no problem there, but you cannot overstock your tank.  One Angel fish needs 12 gallons of water all to himself, so 3 angels would be the limit in a 35 gallon tank.  Seeing as the little ram occupies the bottom of the tank, you can add 4.  Be careful not to overstock, as this would bring sickness to your fish.  Silver dollars should be kept in groups, and they need a bigger tank.  Barbs live in schools, and some of them are fin nippers so I wouldn't put them in with angels.  Make sure your water chemistry is perfect before adding fish, and do not add them all at once.  Ammonia should be zero, Nitrites zero, and nitrates low.  When adding fish, you must add one at a time.  You could add 2 rams, wait one week, check your water, and if it is perfect, add 2 more.  Depending on the size of the Angel Fish, add one, one week later, check your water again, etc.
The reason for this is that if you add too many fish at once nitrites will go up killing all of your fish.  This must be done very slowly.  You also need a thermostat, as angels and rams must be kept in 80 degree water.
Hope this helps

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The 35 gallon tank is well established on 1 of 10 tanks, all currently being filled with African cichlids.  My goal is to establish breeding pairs, so eventually having only 1 pair of Rams and 1 pair of Angels and some other tankmates. Will Cherry Barbs be suitable - hardy, fast moving to reduse potentail confrontation? Or can you recommend other tankmates or must I rather stick with only the 2 pairs? Thank you again for your time.

The cherry barb is very shy, and they occupy the same level as the Angels.  They must be kept in groups of 6 or more.  They could be attack by the Angels once the Angels get bigger, and see them as food.  Angels look peaceful but are far from being peaceful.  They are aggressive, have a territory, and will chase any other fish out of their territory.  Because of the size of your tank, you cannot add too many fish.  I wouldn't add any other fish, but if you have your heart set on adding fish, you could add a pair of drawf gouramis.  Pearl, and Bluespot, Moon Gouramis mix well too, but you would need a bigger tank.  Australian Rainbows school, but get big too, so you don't have much choice.  If your goal is to breed Angels, and Rams, I wouldn't put any other fish in the tank.  If you do add drawf gouramis, add them before you add the Angels.  
Hope this helps