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Betta fish - disease

23 11:46:42

Hi there,

I have a Betta fish that recently had what I've researched and come to conclude as being "dropsy" as the top part of his body was swollen to the point i thought he would explode. he recovered after a few days to what appeared back to complete health, however a few days ago, a chunk of his flesh looks to have been eaten or rotted off. I am confused as his water is regularly changed and treated and he is still active and always hungry as if not sick at all.

Can you please help.


Hi Emese.
It is very rare that a fish recovers from dropsy.  He seems to have a bacterial infection.  This is mostly due to poor water conditions, and poor diet.  Change all of his water using a good water conditioner such as Stress Coat, or AquaSafe.  Treat him with "Kanamycin" or "Tetracycline"  Always keep his water very clean.  Depending on what size tank he is in, water should be completely changed once a week in 5 gallon tanks, and twice a week in smaller tanks.  Vary his diet.  Give him Betta Pellets on day, Betta Flakes the next, Daphnia the next, Bloodworms, etc.  Feed him one cooked frozen pea a week to avoid Swim Bladder Disease.  SBD is caused by poor diet, and constipation.  The day you give him the pea, he should fast.  Cut the pea into small pieces, and feed them to your betta.
Feed him two small meals a day...example:  2 pellets for one meal.
His tummy is the size of his eye we must always remember this when feeding bettas.  Always make sure he has no ammonia, no nitrites, and that nitrates are low in his water.  Ammonia is the number one killer of fish.
Hope this helps