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fuzzy angel fish eggs

23 11:47:40

My pair of angel fish have laid eggs a couple of times.  The eggs keep getting fuzzy.  I have cleaned the tank, cleaned the filter but the eggs keep getting fuzzy.  My tank is a 20 gallon tank with filter and air stone.  What can I do to keep the eggs from getting fuzz all over them?


Hello Michele,
It may be that your angel fish's eggs are not fertile, when this happens the eggs will die and become infected, this is what makes them go fuzzy.

You could try seperating the eggs into another tank that has been set up 3 weeks before hand so the water has aged and treat it with your usual water conditioner (or water from the main tank) and have a sponge filter with a heater and see if you get any more results, but your male may not be producing good sperm or the female may not be producing good eggs or maybe you have 2 females or even she won't let him fertalize them?, you could try buying another Angel and see if it pairs up with one of them.

Good luck

If your eggs are white, they are infertile, if they are clar they are fertile, but could turn white if it gets infected, there is no way to stop infections but you best hope that the parents eat the infected eggs so it doesnt infect the others