Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Oscar with SBD

Oscar with SBD

23 11:48:16

QUESTION: She has not eaten the pellets in 2 days now.

ANSWER: Ok, she has advanced Swim Bladder Disease.  As the disease progresses, the fish stop eating.  You must get your ammonia level down to zero, this is so important.   It is now, the most important thing to do, or you will lose your Oscar.  Did you make a 50% water change?  If not, do this right away, and buy the ammonia, and nitrate test kits at your Pet Store, you will need them.  It is a waste of time to treat him with antibiotics if you have ammonia in your water, you will only make matters worse.  First make your water changes, get the ammonia down to zero, then when the water chemistry is good, write back to me.  He might eat in good clean water.  Now, the water has ammonia in it, No fish will get better in these conditions.
When the water in his tank has no ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates, then we can treat him, and hopefully we will save the little fellow.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Good evening,
I got the ammonia, nitrites and nitrates all down to 0.  I ended up having to use Tank Buddies Ammonia Clear to get the ammonia down.  The water tested the exact same after I did the water change, so I tested the tap water, and that has ammonia in it, so I picked up the ammonia clear and followed the directions and finally got the ammonia cleared up.  She still isn't eating or her usual self, but she is not floating on her side all the time anymore.  What would you recommend from here.  Thank you very much for you help.

ANSWER: Hi Irielle,
I would wait a day, and see if she starts to eat again.  Keep the ammonia down to zero.  This could be the reason why she wasn't eating.  However, if her tummy is swollen, and she continues to refuse to eat, we will have to treat her with Maracyn 2.  The biggest problem is solved.  You will have to check the ammonia everyday to make sure the ammonia level is down to zero or safe.  When ammonia, and nitrates are high, fish get very sick, so maybe this was the problem all along, so we will see if she gets better now that the water is safe.   Try feeding her the peas again tomorrow, and maybe she will try a few.  Oscars are usually not hard to please, and will eat anything in sight!  If she refuses to eat tomorrow, there will be only one thing left to do, and that is treating her, making sure the ammonia stays safe.  
Keep me posted on how she is coping...

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She is not swollen, and is swimming around the tank normally, but she is still not eating, and rests on the bottom more than usual.  Should I start treat her with the maracyn 2 then.  Thank you for you help

When an Oscar stops eating their could be so many reasons, it hard to know exactly which one it is.  Seeing as his water conditions were not good, it could stem from there.  Keep her water free of ammonia, and that should help her get well in a week or so.  She may also have digestive problems as she was always getting the same food.  This too should go away within a week or so.  Buying her frozen grill, or river shrimps could stimulate her appetite.  She could also have internal parasites.  If her water had ammonia for a long time, then the Oscars get weak, and not fight off parasites like a healthy Oscar would.  There are so many reasons why she stopped eating.
Do not worry for the time being as she can go for a week without food.  Try to see if she passes waste.
She may have eggs too, and sometimes they go off food.  If this is the case, she will let them go soon.
Do not use medication for the time being, as we do not know for sure what is wrong.
Keep me posted on how she is doing, and have a nice day.