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snails and betas

23 14:31:43

I have a male beta in a 1 gallon tank. Can i add snails to my tank.

Hey Stephanie,

I can't think of a single person who would willingly add snails to a tank, but sure. The two will mix fine.

I say it like that because most snails are a-sexual and will reproduce like wildfire in your bowl. One will become 11 will become 111, will become 1111... (not exact numbers mind you, but you get the idea). I had a small grey snail in my ten gallon tank almost a year ago, now i have 3 loaches and well over 100 snails still. I had to get loaches to control the population, and I have yet to find a way to completely rid myself of the nusance.

However, they are definately something to mention in the tank cleaning department! In all honesty, it's really up to you as a pet owner to decide whats best. Snails will help reduce cleaning needs, but will also have tendancy to over populate and crowd a tank. Are you willing to find ways of removing them? If so, they will work fine with your betta.

Best wishes, and hope this helped!