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Betta bubble nest

23 13:58:02

Do all bettas blow bubble nests?  Mine has never really done that and it is okay that he has not?

Hi Teresa;

Male bettas that are happy and healthy with good water conditions, good diet with healthy appetite, and proper temperature should make a bubble nest at some point. If his tank is always clean (water changed at least once a week) and the temperature is at least 76f all the time he really should. If everything seems right, maybe he is an older fish and just not interested in breeding anymore. Or, he is just a particularly docile male betta. How long have you had him? If you've only had him a short time, maybe he isn't settled in yet? You could try inducing his breeding instincts by changing water more often, feeding worms and shrimp every other day and even putting a small mirror up to the glass near him. He should "flare" his gills and fins at his reflection.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins