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Identification of a very cool fish.

23 15:10:11

Good afternoon, I am really hoping you can help me. About 3 and a half years ago, I purchased a shark-like creature from the pet store- he was about 3 inches long and I purchased him simply because he was very cool looking- similiar to a great white appearance. I have upgraded his tank since- he is now in a 55 gallon, and is 9 inches long. I wanted to search more about him because I have never seen one since the day I bought him. When I bought him- the pet store told me he was a 'Pagoon Shark'- though no book or internet sight has ever heard of such a name. Someone suggested to me that he is an iridescent shark- though comparing pictures, I am not convinced. On the iridescent sharks, their fin on the back is very small, on my friend here, that fin is half his body length and is very active when feeding. There is only one other fish in the tank with him- a 10 inch (or so) pleco. I had smaller, but he ate them. This one is big enough that he leaves it alone. They seem to get along fine. When I purchased this shark, I also purchased a couple Bala sharks- that he tore up and ate shortly after purchase- at only 3 inches long. Anything even slightly smaller than him, he eats. And he bites other people beside myself. His regular diet is 6-10 large goldfish once a week- give or take. I really want to find out what kind of creature I have here, and how long he will live. I only assume it's male- but not for sure. I have compared hundreds of photos of iridescent sharks- and there are many characteristics that are too great in difference to assume that's what he is. Body color, pattern, size of fins, etc. Can you help me? I love this fish- but wish I knew more about him. (or her) :)

Hi Jacqueline;

He is a type of irridescent shark and is called "Paroon Shark" or "Giant Pangasius". Their scientific name is 'Pangasius sanitwongsei'. The bad news is they get HUGE! About 3 feet or so.... Yikes!

Here are links to info on them;

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