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Floating Goldfish

23 14:45:17

Hi Chris.
Firstly please excuse my lack of piscine knowledge, I am new to fish owning. My partner once had a pair of goldfish in a square tank (about 40cm x 40cm) and one of them died after two years. Now it is four years later and the other one is still living, but not well. About a year ago she (actually she could be either sex) began to have episodes of floating. They would last a day or so and then she would be fine. This got progressively worse and it was thought she was on they way out. Apparently the other fish had begun floating just before he died. But her floating has just got worse and worse. She is constantly on the top of her tank and only flails her fins around when she needs to eat. But she has been like this constantly for a good 10 or so months. The areas on her tummy that are out of the water sort of look like they are bleeding sometimes. She floats on her side predominantly and also on her back. Is there anything that can be done? Or is she just in the later stages of life and hanging on? She is an all orange one with the big goggle eyes if that helps.
Thanks very much.

Hi Tru;

It could be a simple as constipation putting pressure on the swim bladder or as serious as a malformed swim bladder.  

To treat constipation, your fish needs more fiber. Stop feeding any food at all for 3 days. This will clear the intestines. Your fish will not starve to death, so don't worry. Their digestive systems are different from ours. They can go without food at all for more than 2 weeks. After the three day fast, feed cooked and peeled green peas. Break it into little bite-sized chunks and feed to the fish on the end of a toothpick or chopstick. (depending on his size) The peas will sink and will be hard for him to get if he can't swim. Goldfish are mostly vegetarian and the packaged foods we feed them are too high in protein and too dry. Feeding peas, cucumber slices, romaine lettuce, cooked shredded carrots, cooked green beans, are necessary to keep them "regular".

Here are some articles about goldfish swim bladder trouble;

I hope he feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins