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red gills, dying fish

23 14:45:29

I have had my 30 gallon set up for about 5 months now.  I have lost count of the fish who have died.  I first had to treat for Ick, then fin rot, then some strange red and white pimple looking growth on a diamond tetra.  I do regular water changes; was doing 50% once a month, now doing 50% twice a month, watching pH and ammonia levels.
I always wait for weeks before adding new fish to replenish the ones I lose.  I currently have 7 tetras, 4 cories, a blue ram, a khuli loach, a small pleco, and 8 small angel fish as I am trying to get a pair or two.  My plan was that which ever angels didn't pair I would return.
I notice once again that some are getting red gills and red on their fins against their bodies.  What is this and how can I treat it? I am tired of having an unstable fish community...I dont want to say goodbye to anymore fish!
Please Email any advice possible!

I believe they hve red sore disease, and according to the place where I learned about it, it goes away it its own, pretty much 99% of the time.  If i doesn't go out to your local pet store and find a medicine that treats this.  The reason ich came may be your tank is overcrowded.

If you want to wrie back please include ph ammonia/levels
