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Emergency starting over fish tank

23 14:45:29

I have two Neon Tetras, two adult Corydoras and about six baby cory's, not including five fry cory's.  I also have an adult Ramshorn snail, two young ramshorn snails and alot of other cone shaped snails.  My question is, is it possible to start my fish tank over?  I'm asking because I've had alot of trouble keeping my tank and filter clean for the past month or so.  I have a 10-gallon and I've been having to change the filter about once or twice a week.  Also green stuff keeps growing on the gravel but soon after the snails and cory's eat it.  What am I doing wrong, if I am?  Also, I try syfoning the tank and it doesn't work?  Help!


If you plan on using the same tank you cant because the ammonia levels will be too high when you clean the tank out and the fish will die.  

If you plan to use a new tank, you probably can, and heres how:

1)set up the tank with decor
2)fill with water(CONDITIONED!)
3)set up heater and filter
4)let it run for 6 weeks if you want to slow this time tranfer some gravel to your new tank

Hope this will aid you,