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oscar tank and babies

23 14:13:47

I just bought and albino and an oscar and they are currently in a 5 gal tank both fish just lay on the botom on top of each other and dont move. How do i get them active? They wont eat the oscar grow either.

Hi Austin;

The tank is way too small, even for babies. They might only be in shock for now because of being moved to a new home, but their massive waste and need for oxygen will prevent them from being healthy in such a small tank. Oscars are very messy fish that get to be over 12 inches long. They will grow very quickly once you have a proper setup for them and will need at least a 55 gallon for the two in just a few months. If you are unable to get a larger tank than 5 gallons, they need to be returned to the store. They just will not survive in your little tank.  

I wish I had better news...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins