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Betta friends

23 14:51:07

I really need help on this one.

I'm getting a Betta soon, and I'm looking for some more tropical fish to live with him. I have a large tank and I would like to have some more pretty fih in with the betta.

What species could you recommend?

Amy and my 'soon to be betta', Bubbles

Hello Amy-

There are a few fish that will do well with bettas (meaning the betta won't kill them, and they won't attack his plumage :D )

- white clouds
- tetras (Neons are great)
- danios
- angelfish
- rasboras
- bottom feeders (I love Rafael and Bumblebee Catfish!)

Don't be worried if you see occasional nipping, but if your fish start getting tattered, be sure to remove one or the other.

Hope this is helpful!
-Amber Worman