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water quality

23 14:23:53

I've done something horrible to my tank... The water had been turning green really quickly, so the guy at my pet store gave me AlgaFix to help clear the problem. After a few treatments, and water changes, it wasn't helping.

Last night I did a total water cycle change, and also completely cleaned out the filter, and added the AlgaFix again.

This morning, my Black Telescope looks horrible. His fins are rotting, his skin is flaking, he's not eating, and one eye is bigger than the other.

I'm assuming I've upset a bacteria balance, but I'm not sure how to fix it. Is it safe to use Melafix?

Hi Jessica,
 Hmmm... that is a very unusual response to a water change. Are you sure that he wasn't that way BEFORE you did the water change?  The only way that I can think of that a water change could do that is if you have something very nasty in your incoming water.  

 Personally, I would not add Melafix at this point because I don't think that is the problem.

 Are there other fish in the tank?

-- Ron
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