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Betta FIsh Swimmin Oddly

23 12:01:17

Hello. I saw that you answered a question pertaining to a Betta fish swimming oddly on it's side. I realize that your answer means that I over feed him or his water was cold. His water is now warmer and I haven't been feeding him
(1 days). How long until I need to start feeding him again/will he stop swimming funny. Thanks you!

- Mother of Pocky

Hello Callista,
It can take around 48 hours, maybe a little longer. What you're referring to is SBD. If that is what you fish has, then fasting him for a few days followed by offering him a small amount of crushed, deshelled pea will help. You said that his water is now warmer? Did you add a tank heater? That is very important to have in a tank where the temperature in the room cannot be controlled or remain at the temperature the fish needs. Betta's like most tropical fish need to be kept between 78-82 degrees F. Not surprisingly, this is a big part of keeping your fish healthy, as their immune systems work much better when the fish is warm.
Please take some time to look up a few betta care websites, and learn as much about the care of your fish as possible. Bettas are by the far the easiest, but they still take some work! Best of luck to you and Pocky. (Pocky was the name of my childhood panda hamster XD )