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Green Terrors fry growth

23 12:01:16

Hi Ron,
I have two green terrors who have tried mating three times.  On the third they got it right.  We moved them to their own tank after the first failer.  They laid their third batch of eggs about a week ago and they are still wigglers.  Ok so here is my question: How long until they reach about 3/4 inch?  I have looked everywhere online and all the websites say (after they are about 3/4 inch they start growing rapidly)...well how long does that take?...weeks???...months???...
thanks amanda

Hi Amanda,
 Growth rate in fish is not a fixed rate, it depends on many variables. The most important variables in order are: water temperature (warmer water=faster growth; frequency of water changes (the more you change the water, the faster they grow); how often you feed them (the more you feed them, the faster they grow).  If you want a ballpark figure, I would say months to reach 3/4 inch.

-- Ron
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