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1.5 gallon aquarium, current occupant is carnival goldfish

23 11:07:51

QUESTION: Fish Deeva, my son won a goldfish at the fair 2 weeks ago. I have been fighting to keep this fish alive ever since it came home with him. Have a 1.5 gallon tank with a whisper filter.  Not sure what type goldfish Jerry is. I know this tank is too small for Jerry already, but it's all I have to work with at the moment.  Jerry has healing ammonia burns and Ich.  Currently have 1 1/2 tbsp of kosher salt in the tank for the ich, and changing out about 30% of water daily.  Jerry is improving.  

Ok, all that are my questions. 1. Am I treating Jerry's Ich properly?  There seems to be a wide range of salnity recommended on the web for treatment of Ich.  2.  When/if Jerry dies, what would be a good fish for my 1.5 gallon freshwater tank?  I have spent a good bit of money, so I think we are now official fish owners, but I don't want to make the same mistakes twice!

Thanks for your help. I really appreciate your expertise and your willingness to share it!

ANSWER: Hi Christine,

There isn't any fish for a 1.5 gallon tank.  Throw it in the trash.  It's cruelty to animals.  It's a valiant thing you did, saving his goldfish, but it's not only time to improve his quality of life by increasing the size of his tank immediately, it's also time to let the little tank go.  What's sad is you probably spent more on that then you would on a full size tank. :(

The ammonia burns won't go long as he's in there.  There's no way to keep up with ammonia and nitrites for a goldie in such a small spot and even with incredibly perfect care, such as you are giving him and even with all the love in the world, that tank will kill this fish.  I guarantee it.

You are treating the ich properly.  2 teaspoons of salt per gallon.  Not table salt.  Jerry dying would be horrible, as it sounds like he's been through a lot and so have you, but your son will learn to love any new fish you get him.  :)  

It's obvious you love the guy and changing 30% of the water is a great attempt at curing a real mess you got given from the fair (don't you just love the people who give them away at fairs? - I mean that jokingly )...and you are a good owner and a good fish mom, it sounds like, but there's nothing you can really do.  It might tarry awhile in that little tank, but it won't be here long.

Happy fish-keeping and I do wish you the best of luck.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the help, Fish Deeva.  I have to agree that carnivals have no business handing out pets to 9 year olds. It really is a sad life for one of God's creatures.

Sadly, I already suspected what you revealed since reading online so much about goldfish.  Would this fish fare any better if we were to free it into a pond or should I just nurse him along until the end?


ANSWER: Keep trying, Christine.  I mean, what if you went out and spent $20 and bought him a 10 gallon fish tank?  For so little, it'd save his life...

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Fish Deeva, what can I say... you inspired me.  Tomorrow I go to pick up my free (yes, free) 10 gallon fish tank.  Found it on!  Yay.  From what I have read, I need to clean the tank with only water.  Any advice or links to articles that describe cleaning used tanks and then setting them up?  I assume I have to wait to move Jerry until the Ich is all cleared up.  

Thanks again!

Hi Christine!  Yahoo!  That is just the best news.  I am so happy for you and Jerry might just make it. :)

When he's home, in his new tank, you might just see a total improvement.  Crossing fingers for a totally positive outcome.  

Clean it thoroughly.  Find out why they emptied it.  Did they upgrade or did fish die?  Just soap and water will help clean it and make it safe.  I use Dawn Antibacterial dish soap.

I thoroughly rinse.

Be sure to get a good filter for Jerry.  Something rated to at least 20 gallons. sure to put his gravel from his bowl into the tank, because that will seed the new tank water with his old stuff.  Also, get Biozyme to seed the tank with fresh bacteria to help it have a very fast cycle.  It will cycle (this means growing bacteria) and that's a dangerous stage for any tank to go through, but if you set up the tank and then change the water every 2 days (10%), for the first 2 weeks, you will totally not even notice the cycle.

Happy fish-keeping!