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Sexing Jack Dempsey

23 14:28:38

I was wondering what was the best way to sex Jack Dempsey Cichlids. Currently I have 2 together that I was told were of both sexes yet I wanted to be sure. I know that one is dominant but I also know that if they're both males that I'll have to get rid of one before they're adults. I appreciate any help that you may be able to provide. Thanks, Chris

Hi Chris,
  There is no sure fire way to sex Jack Dempseys.  Males are longer in general than females.  Females have a little more roundness in the belly but individuals of each sex vary in these characteristics so it would be easy to be fooled.  Males MAY have longer fins, but sometimes females can have identical long pointy fins.  The real proof will come when they get old enough to breed and then they will let you know if they are compatible or not.

-- Ron
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