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my betta Moose

23 13:56:49

Hello. I have a bright red betta. His name is Moose. Ha. Yesterday I bought him a one gallon tank with some plastic plants in it. I just thought he'd want some more room to swim and i read up that they like plants. I hoped he'd love it and I've been wanting to get him one for a long time. Now I'm not so sure if he likes it. I don't think he's happy. He always stays in one spot in the top corner of the fishtank. But he'll swim around when I put a mirror up to him and do all that crazy stuff bettas do. He eats as soon as i feed him and always responds to me with his fins when i look at him. He's never blown a bubble nest but that doesn't mean he's not happy. Is this normal behavior for a fish just getting used to a tank?

I also got a new plastic plant for him. The edges don't seem to be sharp and it feels soft to the touch but now i notice he has a long rip in his fin. should i take out the plant? or buy him some silk plants?

When he was in his smaller tank, he acted the same to me atleast. but instead of resting at the top he rested at the bottom. and he didn't have a plant.

ive got pictures of the plant, him resting in the same spot, the rip in his fin, and just some others.

this is him in the same spot as always. .

this is his plastic plant. .

this is his ripped fin. .

by the way, his fins have always been curled like that and they are not black on the edges.

p.s. sorry about the poor picture quality

Hi Krysten,
  It takes time (weeks) for a fish to get used to a new tank, so give him time.  

  It is unlikely that he riped his fins on the plant so I don't see that as being a problem.

-- Ron
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