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my fish has lost both eyes, could it still live ?

23 14:50:13

hi, i have a small chubby coldwater fancy little fish ( cant remenber name ) in the tank it has lost both of its eyes due to a large fantail being nasty. the large one has now been removed. the eyeless fish is now on its own. could this fish now live a "normal" life even blind ?please help with answer.thanks craig

Hello Craig-

Oh wow! Poor little one!

If the little guy didn't bleed to death from the injuries, you may be able to save him. You should dose him daily with Melafix to promote healing, and add a dose of aquarium salt to prevent infection. You'll also need to be absolutely sure he is eating. Tap the water's surface with your finger until you have his attention, and then put a few flakes right by his nose. (If he can find the food fine on his own, just let him do his thing.) Once he heals, the only thing you should worry about is feeding time. I wouldn't put any other fish in with him, though. Well, maybe a guppy...But not algae eaters, as they may suck onto his wounds and reopen them.

-Amber Worman