Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > my fish has lost both eyes , could it still live ?

my fish has lost both eyes , could it still live ?

23 14:50:14

hi. thanks for reply. so if i keep it on its own with the correct water treatments and feeds. it could still lead a normal life. you say about taking care, what would be best? its now on its own with the correct tank set up. also you say live for a while, does that mean a much shorter life ?thanks craig

Followup To

Question -
hi, i have a small chubby coldwater fancy little fish ( cant remenber name ) in the tank it has lost both of its eyes due to a large fantail being nasty. the large one has now been removed. the eyeless fish is now on its own. could this fish now live a "normal" life even blind ?please help with answer.thanks craig

Answer -
hi carig

oh iam sorry to hear that, but it depend on your care. If you take good care, it could live for a while. let me know if anything get wrost.

hi craig

yes if you maintain your tank good and feed it, it could live for a while or even long. but iam not sure how long it could live. Also damage fish could die easily as well. It's depend on the luck. what you could do is, just leave it alone and try not to streess the fish. good luck

hope i helped