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beeta fish

23 14:44:55

i bout a beta female and beta male.I put them in a tank
at the same time and my beta female is scared of the male what can i do?

Hi Ramiro;

It means they aren't ready to spawn yet. The female has to be kept separated from the male unless they are actually ready to spawn. The male must have a bubble nest prepared and the female must have a belly full of eggs first. "Condition" them both with live or frozen worms for at least a couple of weeks to get them ready.

Once they both seem ready, try putting them together. Once the act of spawning is complete, move the female back to her own tank. The male cares for the eggs and babies and does not want any help. He doesn't want other fish too close, including the mother. He takes his job very seriously!

Here are a couple of web pages about it;

Have fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins