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Gender identification of pearlscales

23 14:13:16

I have a pearlscale goldfish now since Sept. 30th that is a beautiful orange and white combination. I have read a lot about it and care, but I am having the hardest time determining the sex of the fish. It's not spring time so I can't tell if there are bumps around the gills or front fins to determine if it's male or female. I want to get Peek-A-Boo a friend, preferably another pearlscale, but I don't want them to mate. The pet store couldn't tell me the gender of mine as it is. He/she is about 1 1/2 inches long, so I'm guessing it's fairly young. Any suggestions???

You will not be able to sex these fish until they are much bigger and older.  It's not going to matter much which sex they are because even if they do spawn, which is doubtful because of tank conditions, you can either remove the eggs or just leave them there as the fish will take care of them (by eating them).  And again, this wouldn't happen until they were MUCH bigger and older.

Good luck!  ;o)